
This is where you can register for the Symposium if you're a member of S.G. "William Froude". A S.G. "William Froude"-member ticket costs €12,-.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Application Symposium

Fill in your details for your application to the symposium on the 16th of May 2024.


The personal data provided will be handled for the following purposes: To identify you as a person, to communicate with you if necessary and to handle your transactions. By checking the box you give the Scheepsbouwkundig Gezelschap "William Froude" permission to use your personal data for the purposes mentioned. You can withdraw this permission by mailing to 


Hereby I accept that pictures taken of me during the event are used for promotional reasons and on the websites of S.G. “William Froude”. If you do not agree, please email to